Hi everyone!
As you may know, today (Tuesday 7th January 2025) is the last day to submit your opposition to the application to develop a section of the Benfield Valley. Please see below - as well as our previous blog posts - for our most recent response and for link to the planning portal and key documents.
If you're worried you may have missed the deadline, please email planning.appplications@brighton-hove.gov.uk
BVP Response to the updated application:
Application ref: BH2024/01720
We, the members of the Benfield Valley Project, are once again writing to strongly oppose the above application to develop 101 properties on the Benfield Valley.
Though the amendments to the original application show an attempt to consider feedback from local residents and experts, any development of any part of the valley would have far-reaching consequences for it and its surrounding areas. As we have stated previously in greater detail (please refer to our previous objection), any development, however sensitive, will have a detrimental impact on the chalk downland, aquifer and red-listed mammals that live there. The application flies in the face of the city's net zero commitments and designation as a UNESCO biosphere. BHCC must be focused on the importance of protecting this precious natural habitat and space of such rich ecological value. BHCC have a duty to protect and enhance biodiversity for future generations and for the overall health of our city.
We are unhappy with both the plans for the housing and the barn area, the latter of which is vague and must itself be reconsidered.
We restate our position that the Benfield Valley should be kept in-tact and the lease made available to local residents to purchase so that it can be restored and maintained as a community space for wellbeing and education.
Best wishes,
The Benfield Valley Project
Links to the application:
Main application: https://planningapps.brighton-hove.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=SGGDXGDMG8300&activeTab=summary
Covering letter detailing the latest changes: https://planningapps.brighton-hove.gov.uk/online-applications/files/DF62C3BFE0013132B6B148F5E68D9C00/pdf/BH2024_01721-COVERING_LETTER-19881091.pdf